Total Registered Patients
Two Steeples Medical Centre, Abington Close, Wigston, LE18 2EW
Telephone: 0116 344 0233
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Total Registered Patients
Total Appointments Booked
Total Appointments Not Attended
Total Patients using "Contact the Practice"
Total Calls Handled by Reception
Total Prescriptions Issued
Bushloe PPG are looking for new members and would also like any patient suggestions. Please see the suggestions box in reception or the PPG page on the website.
We have received enquiries about booking GP appointments online. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer this currently. However, if your request is non-urgent, please use Contact the Practice as you can specify who you would like to see and any days and times that are more suitable.
Who will provide my care? Please look at the website homepage for a link that shows our different staff and what they can do. Our reception team are trained to ask the right questions so they can book you in with the most appropriate clinician.